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An Invitation

OIB Life Church

by Lisa Pritchard

RSVP. You’re invited. Will you attend?

Have you ever received mail that you opened up and inside the card read, “You’re invited!” We check our calendars to make sure we are free. Maybe we ask, “How long do I have to RSVP?” Many times we start to think of what we will wear, how we will fashion our hair and if we have the right makeup or accessories. Is it a party for a plus one and who will I take? How will I travel there? If it is a charity event, how much money do I need for a ticket? So many questions and plans to make.

There are many different types of parties that you can be invited to. Birthday, anniversary, graduation, weddings, retirement, galas for charity – some parties don’t even need a reason. There have been parties of which I was aware, but was not invited. But the party I am speaking of now… everyone is invited! We don’t need to check the calendar because there is no date that we can attach to it. We don’t need to worry about clothes, hair, make-up or accessories. We don’t even need to have money for a ticket. Some of the poorest people will be in attendance along with those who had some money. We can’t take anyone with us; we can only accept this invitation for ourselves. But we must RSVP– and soon!

If we were to receive the invite in our mailbox it might read something like this:

You’re Invited!

Event: Grandest Gala of the Galaxy

Date: TBA by God the Father

Where: Heaven

Time: When the Trumpet Sounds until Eternity

RSVP: Contact Jesus in Prayer Now! Time is Short.

How can you attend the grandest gala of the galaxy? Simply by asking the humblest of all men who ever existed into your heart…Jesus. He is your escort and your free ticket to enter the gates of heaven! He will arrange your transportation. He will clothe you with His pure righteousness that will sparkle beyond the brightest ballroom gown. Your hair and face will glow from His radiance with the most remarkable beauty.

Ask Jesus to forgive you for your sin and know that He is the Son of God. He was born of a virgin, lived a perfect, sinless life on this earth, willingly died on a cross as the only acceptable sacrifice for our sin. He rose again on the third day defeating sin and death. Make Him the Lord of your life by turning away from sin. Invite Him into your heart and start a relationship now with the One with whom you will spend eternity.

He is standing at the door of your heart with the invitation. You are invited. Will you attend?

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